This enumeration contains a set of values representing the status codes defined for HTTP Here is a breakdown of some of the status codes and their meanings:
- Continue (100): Indicates that the client can continue with its request
- SwitchingProtocols (101): Indicates that the protocol version or protocol is being changed
- OK (200): Indicates that the request succeeded and the requested information is in the response
- Created (201): Indicates that the request resulted in a new resource being created
- Accepted (202): Indicates that the request has been accepted for further processing
- BadRequest (400): Indicates that the request could not be understood by the server
- Unauthorized (401): Indicates that the requested resource requires authentication
- NotFound (404): Indicates that the requested resource does not exist on the server
- InternalServerError (500): Indicates that an internal server error occurred while processing the request
These are just a few examples, and there are many more status codes available in the HttpStatusCode enumeration. Each status code corresponds to a specific HTTP response status.