📄️ Themes
This is where you define the look and feel of the application.
📄️ Icons
This is where you manage all the icons you will use in your application, you can upload, delete and edit previous icons. The only accepted file type is SVG.
📄️ Fonts
This is where you will manage all the fonts available for you use on the application, you can Upload, delete and edit previous fonts. The only accepted file type is TTF.
📄️ CSS Variables
This is where you define some CSS variables which you can use on any element:
📄️ CSS Classes
This is where you define a CSS class which will be used by a navigation
📄️ Control Styles
This is where you define a style which can be used by elements when designing a page. You can change the Content, Decorations and Advanced properties of any element. The properties available are:
📄️ Chart Palette
This is where you define what palette a chart will follow, you can add as many colors as needed. The available properties are:
📄️ Appbuilder
This is where you design what the look and feel the app builder will follow, this is shared between all users in this instance. It has 2 options:
📄️ Meta Tags
Meta Tags are used in search engine optimization. The meta tags used on the website are managed here, which can be overwritten with the help of the Global setting of meta tags. Some tags like the Title tag change the title for the application as a whole. On a page basis, meta tags can be maintained with WFB.