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It contains various static methods and properties that can be accessed globally within the application. Here's an overview of the class:

  • Method sleep(int milli): Suspends the current thread execution for the specified number of milliseconds
  • Method createHash(string source): Generates a hash value for the given source string using the SHA1 algorithm and returns it as a string
  • Method verifyHash(string source, string hashValue): Verifies if the hash value of the given source string matches the provided hash value
  • Method getHash(HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, string input): Computes the hash value of the input string using the specified HashAlgorithm and returns it as a string
  • Method isNull(object obj): Checks if the provided object is null, a JSON null token, or a DBNull value.
  • Property CurrentUICulture: Gets the current UI culture identifier
  • Property CurrentUserId: Gets the current user's ID
  • Method getTranslation(object obj): Retrieves the translation of an object. It supports various object types, including strings, TranslatedString, JObject, and ExpandoObject
  • Method GetMediaClient(string name): Retrieves an IMediaClient based on the provided media source name
  • Method GetMediaSource(string name): Retrieves a MediaSource based on the provided name
  • Method zipFiles(Dictionary files): Zips the provided dictionary of file names and byte arrays into a single byte array representing a zip archive
  • Method unzipFiles(byte[] bytes): Unzips the provided byte array, representing a zip archive, and returns a dictionary of file names and corresponding byte arrays

These methods and properties are designed to provide utility functions and access to common functionalities across the application.