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This class serves as a wrapper for interacting with a WorkflowStatus object. Here is an explanation of the code:

  • The class has a constructor that accepts a WorkflowStatus object and assigns it to the private field _Status
  • The class provides several properties and methods for working with the workflow status:
    • ActualParameter: Gets or sets the actual parameter of the workflow status
    • ActualEntryOption: Gets the actual entry option of the workflow status
    • this[string key]: Allows accessing values in the workflow status using an indexer. It retrieves the value associated with the specified key or sets a new value for the key
    • SetValue: Sets a value in the workflow status context associated with the specified key
    • GetValue: Retrieves the value from the workflow status context associated with the specified key
    • SetCacheValue: Sets a value in the workflow status cache associated with the specified key
    • GetCacheValue: Retrieves the value from the workflow status cache associated with the specified key
    • LogInfo: Logs an informational message using the logger of the workflow status
    • LogError: Logs an error message using the logger of the workflow status
    • LogWarning: Logs a warning message using the logger of the workflow status
    • AddToList: Adds an object to a list in the workflow status context associated with the specified key. If the key does not exist or the value is not a list, it returns false

The StatusWrapper class provides a convenient and simplified interface for interacting with a WorkflowStatus object, allowing you to get and set values, log messages, and perform operations on lists within the workflow status.