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Dynamic Time

Management of the Dynamic time usage in the reporting system of GA.

NameDynamic time name
DescriptionDescription of the dynamic time points
Starting timeMarks the beginning of dynamic time
  • Now:
    • Current System Time (Date)
    • Assignment: explicitly define a rule for specific time, for example if today is the 8th of June, move to the 9th of June
  • Filter:
    • Exit time on filter element based on the selected time element in the filter (of the report)
    • Starting time on filter element based on the selected time element in the filter (of the report)
  • Fixed Date:
    • Select a specific date as the starting point of the dynamic time
Shift starting timePostponement of the starting point
Manipulation of the target timeShifting the target time based on the selected starting level
  • Referencing based on initial level: What level you want to start at:
    • None
    • Months
    • Weeks
    • Quarters
    • Half years
  • Manipulation if target is Sunday: What happens if the target is a Sunday
PreviewPreview for clarity and control of the settings