📄️ Textbox
Input box that allows user to type into. Placeholder and tooltip can be set.
📄️ InputGroup
Input box that allows user to write or select from, the user can add buttons before or after the input for better clarity. Since the input group is only used in bootstrap, the current theme must be a bootstrap theme and not a material theme.
📄️ TextArea
Input multi-line body text.
📄️ Translation TextBox
Display text that is corresponding to different languages
📄️ Editor
Text input with formatting option.
📄️ Text Block
Display text predefined by the user.
📄️ Href
Specifies the placement of a hyperlink that will point to a link.
📄️ Button
A button allows users to perform specific actions upon mouse click.
📄️ Toggle Button
A toggle button that allows users to toggle between two states, typically representing an "on" and "off" state.
📄️ Radio Button
A button where you can make a selection out of multiple options. You can only make it intractable after you set the data binding and then setting the value. Properties are:
📄️ Data table
Table to represent data.
📄️ Checkbox
A small box that can be checked or unchecked by the user.
📄️ Combo Box
A combo box is a dropdown list. It allows users to select an option from a predefined list.
📄️ DateTimePicker
A date-time picker allows users to select a specific date and time from a dropdown menu.
📄️ Timespan
A countdown timer that displays as separate boxes for each unit (days, hours, minutes, seconds).
📄️ Scheduler
Use to view when different events occurred, the data source must have 2 fields to indicate the start and end date of this specific event.
📄️ ListBox
A list that supports data binding and provides filter/search functionality.
📄️ ChipList
A chip list is a collection of small, discrete elements called chips. Each chip represents a distinct item or entity and is typically displayed as a rounded rectangle with a label or icon. Chip lists are commonly used to represent tags or categories.
📄️ Slider
A Slider to select a numeric value.
📄️ Marker
Create different boxes that can encapsulate different elements for the user to focus on. You can create boxes dynamically using WFBs, you must give it a list containing the position and width and height for the box.
📄️ AutoComplete
Similar to a combo box, but allows the user to write the name or text to filter the elements, useful when the elements inside the list are long.
📄️ Charts
Chart control for displaying data. The data source must be set on the parent. The values to be displayed must be of type Int. Depending on the selected chart type, individual setting options are available. This control element is created based on the google charts feature.
📄️ Image
Show an image.
📄️ Icon
Displays an icon from the ones available in corporate identity.
📄️ FileViewer
Show file.
📄️ Carousel
Display of multiple items in a horizontal or vertical rotating manner. It showcases a set of images in a sequential order.
📄️ Video
View video using Video JS Media Player.
📄️ Upload
Allows users to select and upload files from their local device to a website or application.
📄️ Download
Download a file that is accessible directly through a URL. Data binding can be used to set the downloaded file url, or it can be set explicitly through a workflow block.
📄️ iFrame
Enables Integration of another HTML page into the current page within the iframe border.
📄️ Embed
Integrate HTML content into the page.
📄️ Accordion
Control with one or more expandable sections.
📄️ Stepper
Divide content into logical steps.
📄️ Tab
Organize content into separate views, only one of which can be visible at a time.
📄️ QR
QR Code control can be used after sitting it using data binding; the data should be a string.
📄️ Column Visibility
Control for controlling the visibility and order of columns inside a specific data table, you can save the configuration using auto save or profile inside the settings area in a page.
📄️ Drop Down
Creation of a drop down control. The Button Content is used to expand the control. For example, a flex with a fixed height can be stored in the drop-down content and buttons can be positioned on it. The control can be controlled using the WFB Open Drop Down and Close Drop Down.
📄️ Theme Switch
Change themes that been defined as Available Themes under Settings -> Layout -> Navigation –> Overview. No additional properties can be defined.
📄️ Message Center
Message Center in which system messages are collected. No additional properties can be defined.
📄️ Tree
A data source must be stored on the parent for the data connection of the tree control, this data source should be filtered such that only the roots are selected, for example filter by an empty GUID in the parent column.
📄️ Profile Management
This control block allows the user to change between different profiles, create new ones, edit existent ones and delete profiles. Profiles are used to save the values inside different variables or control elements into different sessions. Profiles are only saved for the current user and not across different users.
📄️ Language Selection
Change the language defined under Settings - Languages. The translations for the selected language must be maintained, otherwise the default language will be used. If no default language is defined, key is displayed.
📄️ User menu
Show user menu. No additional properties can be defined.
📄️ Loading Indicator
Show a loading panel. Activated with Use Style in the workflow and deactivated with Undo Style. The loading panel must be stored on the parent control. By default, the Loading Panel is set to not visible. No additional properties can be defined.
📄️ Capsule Tag Control
Similar to the tags inserted inside the settings area, you can insert capsule tags into specific elements inside a page using this control element. Only used when there are more than one environment for the same application, for example a production and a development environment.
📄️ Hyper Pay
Insert a binding to Open Payment API. The control is initialized via workflow, to be visible the data sent must be sent via a rest call to HyperPay's API, please read the HyperPay integration guide for full information.
📄️ Simple Reporting
This control element will allow you to create a report for any data table as long as it has a value that can be aggregated over.