🗃️ Types
4 items
📄️ Events
Events are used to either trigger a workflow, or read and write the values inside a control element into a variable. The following are the events available on most control or layout elements.
📄️ Transitions
Transitions are what happens when different properties are changed for this specific element, you can define different transitions for one element.
🗃️ Layouts
9 items
🗃️ Control Elements
47 items
🗃️ Report Objects
4 items
🗃️ Report Controls
3 items
📄️ Templates
Here, you can find all the templates which have been defined under Settings – Layout – Templates. When inserting a template into a page, you must have a data source selected on any element above it. This is done so that the template knows where to find the data. If the template is used to repeat all data of a data source, the template should be placed inside a repeat layout.
📄️ Widgets
Predefined elements used for common tasks, currently we have 2 working widgets, and they are: